
Only clean energy!

Only clean energy!

Facopel, always careful to environmental problems, takes a new step to be even more eco-sustainable.

We are proud to announce that, starting from May 31, 2020, our entire structure is powered by 100% renewable energy thanks to the installation of solar shelters. In the specially set up car park we wanted to plant our "sun" reserve so as not to compromise the territory with yet another system on the ground. Despite the closing period and the numerous uncertainties that the fashion sector is also going through, we strongly wanted to complete the ambitious project of energy self-sufficiency. More than 100 latest generation high efficiency panels will guarantee the electricity for the next 30 years to produce our hats, which since 1908 have been showing off in the most important shops in the world, and alongside the most important national and international fashion houses.

Total quality is also respect for the environment. We are now more and more ECO-FACOPEL.


